TELEPHONE: 618 544-3171
FAX: 618 546-0181

Statement of Operating Philosophy

Bradford Supply Company is a private investor-owned enterprise. As such, we believe we have the obligation to operate in a profitable manner and, in so doing, to use the highest ethical standards of conduct and prudent business practices.

We recognize our responsibility to the communities and the states in which we operate and whose citizens – customers we serve. We believe ourselves to be socially responsible and responsive, not just because of altruism, but because it is good business, and recognize that our success is in direct proportion to the success of the customers we serve.

In the conduct of our business, we have the following goals:

To provide the very best products and services to meet the present and future needs of our customers.

To creative a dynamic organization in which our employees are hired, promoted and compensated, solely on the basis of job performance without regard to race, sex, religion, age, disability, or nationality.

To make positive contributions to causes and organizations that strengthen the community in which we live and work through the use of Bradford’s resources, whether they be monetary or through the personal involvement of directors, officers, and employees.

Our commitment is toward the presentation of a viable, free enterprise system in an open, democrative society.


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© 2003 Bradford Supply Company

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